Thursday, July 12

New TV - The Tudors

There's a lot of buzz about The Tudors on this side of the Atlantic. Season one has already aired in the US on Showtime, and it generated admirable audience numbers. It's billed as a sexier telling of the life of Henry VIII than the one we learned in school. Jonathon Rhys Myers plays the randy monarch, which takes a bit of getting used to, as he looks nothing like the chubby bearded red head I remember from the history books. The show is filmed on location in Ireland so you will hear a few Irish accents, but one you won't hear is from Irish singer Marie Doyle Kennedy, who puts in a very subdued but credible performance as Catherine of Aragon.

I've seen rough cuts of the first two episodes and two things struck me as I was watching. The first is that if there is an attractive woman on the screen, she has either had sex or is about to have sex with somebody, usually Harry himself. That will be her sole purpose. The second thing is that Rhys Myers is a very poor actor. I've never been impressed by him, I'm one of the few people who hated Woody Allen's Match Point, largely because of his insipid performance. Putting him on screen with a veteran like Sam Neill only highlights how much of an effort acting is for JRM. God help him when Peter O'Toole joins the cast for season 2!

J liked what we saw so far but I'm not convinced. Apart from the lusty wenches and poor leading man, my issue is that the story is a familiar one. We know all about the significance of his divorce, his pursuit of Anne Boleyn and his fondness for decapitation. We can marvel at the sets and costumes, be titillated by the saucy minx who becomes his second wife, but it's not enough to keep me engaged when there are no surprises in store. Unless you didn't pay attention in class, in which case it's the Sopranos of the 16th century.


Unknown said...

After the 'success' of Rome it was only a matter of time before they chose another section of history to sex-up and use as a vehicle to persuade every husband in the country that his wife just isn't very sexy, and every wife that her husband isn't very virile. Yes folks, even in the time of nit-infested hair, shit thrown on the streets, tooth decay and poor personal hygiene the people were sexier than you and managed to have more vigorous, lust-filled and just-plain-better sex than you. Apparently there's some history going on in the background, but that's not important; what matters were that the men were men, and the women were sexy, took it often, and liked it rough.

Jason said...

sounds bloody marvellous...gets my vote. The video is set for 9pm!

Sal said...

I'm watching for Jeremy Northam as much as anything, he's not on TV anywhere near enough!

And I hated "Match Point" too

David Painter said...

anyone know if theres a repeat as i cant watch it at 9 today?

nennie said...

i only wanted to watch this because of rhys meyers. i dnt think hes an oscar winning actor or anything but he has done some good work with his 'Elvis' and 'Gormenghast'. episode was wot i expected. LOADS of sex and v little history or plot. essentially like Rome but set in a different period and with better accents. although irish actor playin english king? bit risky? didnt relli like the episode. dnt think ill watch the rest of the series. i thort it was let down by a rather bland plot and horny supporting cast. ill nly occasionally watch for the EYE CANDY tht is rhys meyers.