Wednesday, August 1

Movies - I Now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry.

Those of you who know me will be surprised to see this one featured. Yes, I willingly went along to a cinema and sat through an Adam Sandler movie. But I did have a good excuse. I've recently started a new job and my new boss decided to blow off a scheduled status meeting and take us to the movies instead. As it was the only release that none of my colleagues had seen, this was the movie selected. I expected it to be God-awful and whilst I did find myself chuckling at times, I have no intention of recommending it to you. But in keeping with the spirit of the blog, here's the synopsis.

Adam Sandler and some chubby guy from a sitcom are the titular fire fighting buddies, and for reasons I don't fully understand, they fraudulently claim a domestic partnership - something to do with a pension plan. But there scam is under investigation and they must pretend to be a gay couple. Much hilarity ensues, and Jessica Biel parades around in her underwear.

As a rule I don't like comedic movies. I'd like to think I have a sense of humour, but these kind of movies always end up the same way. The laughs stop by the third act and instead of gags we are subjected to a sentimental life lesson: Follow your Heart; True Love Conquers all; Why can't we all get along! For one sweet moment I thought the preachy bit in this movie would be about gay rights. I would have even settled for raising awareness at the disparity between hazards and pay for Fire fighters (the scam was after all in pursuit of better benefits). But that was asking too much. The conclusion was that people are lovely and forgiving and we should all just get along. Indeed.

But the circumstances of my exposure to this mediocre fluff raises in interesting question. What movie would be so bad that you would rather stay in work than be subjected to of an afternoon? My vote would be anything with Eddie Murphy in a fat suit, or Bratz: The Movie.

Normal service will now resume.

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