Friday, August 3

New Fall TV- Cashmere Mafia

Without a doubt, the winner of the worst-titled show of the new season.

There are high hopes that this hour long drama will mimic the popularity of Sex and the City and to ensure success, there are many similarities. Four female friends living in Manhattan, each with an enviable career, attractive and dazzlingly groomed, with not a flip-flop or comfortable tracksuit between them. They meet regularly in the same restaurant for lunch and gossip, and they all love each other dearly. So far it's like a carbon copy, there's even a "so that got me thinking..." voice over.

The biggest difference between this show and our SATC friends is the genre. While it is lighthearted, it's a drama so don't expect any of the lewd humour that made SATC so popular. Also our heroines here are further along the lifestyle cycle. They're not older, just more advanced than their neurotic predecessors. They are all top of their game professionally, two are married with kids and one is in a long-term relationship. We can assume that a show about happy, gorgeous, successful, neurosis-free women living in the world's coolest city and with a beautiful work-life-family balance, is just not going to generate much empathy from its target demographic. So numerous spanners must be thrown in the works, such as adultery, career dilemmas and same-sex attractions.

But is it any good? In truth, it's exactly what you'd expect. It's like putting on a comfortable old pair of slippers and imagining they are Jimmy Choos. It's neither clever nor unique but it is mildly entertaining. The characters are likable enough, despite their near-perfect lifestyles. Lucy Lui will always be, to me, the brilliantly bitchy Ling from Ally McBeal, and to see her play nice is a bit disappointing. But she is no better or worse than her fellow co-stars, who are all somewhat beige. They'll need to develop some sharper claws if CashMaf wants to emulate the water cooler momentum of those four other New York gals.

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